So I went on a little road trip to D.C. with my cousin K.Climer. Now listen my favorite city is ChiTown but D.C is a close second. I've made bad decisions in both cities but never regretted them. It was a spur of the moment trip that we decided at a family dinner.... so you know shit wasn't planned out. We went with the flow and given the turn of events the flow was just right. We laughed more than anything and we now know never to pull over in a weird ass New Jersey rest stop. We jotted down everything that happened because most of it was unbelievable. SHOUTOUT to D.C. being TURNT on a Tuesday !

So I took this little quick trip to D.C with my cousin (feat. K.Climer) about a week ago! It was a very interesting time. We had a good time, crashed a party, tried that bumass mambo sauce, drank hella henny and ate Ethiopian food. Get a quick laugh as I tell the story about the trip!
